
At Mag­ic we base action on eco­log­i­cal analy­sis. We con­sid­er ecol­o­gy to be a sound basis for a more adap­tive cul­ture, in which human law and nat­ur­al law are more close­ly aligned. By eco­log­i­cal prax­is com­bin­ing analy­sis with action, each of us gains abil­i­ty to more clear­ly see selves and world. As we shed illu­sion, we achieve more accu­rate com­mon under­stand­ing, become increas­ing­ly aware of shared goals, and are bet­ter able to secure mutu­al satisfaction.

With this pur­pose we shape Magic’s edu­ca­tion­al ser­vices and projects. In each of these, we aim to show how peo­ple may prac­tice ecol­o­gy to shed light on ques­tions of val­ue, and to pro­mote aware­ness of our con­nec­tions with oth­er humans, oth­er life, abi­ot­ic nature, and arti­fact to real­ize a broad­er and more inte­grat­ed sense of self. Using meth­ods of sci­ence, we con­sid­er the adap­tive mer­its ofa phi­los­o­phy of loving.

Mag­ic asso­ciates Jen and Hilary Bay­er present Sil­i­con Val­ley Bar­code of Life to a meet­ing of Bay Area bio­sci­en­tists at Ther­mo Fisher.

Educational Services

Classes and Workshops

  • Val­ue­science — Apply eco­log­i­cal meth­ods and prin­ci­ples to dis­cern com­mon inter­ests of humankind and how to fur­ther them.
  • Cre­at­ing Lov­ing Com­mu­ni­ty — Learn how to struc­ture and oper­ate house­holds and work­places to fos­ter coop­er­a­tion and con­sen­su­al decision-making.
  • Plan­ning for Liv­ing — Become more as you intend by learn­ing to plan your life and live your plan.
  • Move­ment Mag­ic — Learn to prac­tice yoga, bicy­cle, swim, and/or run with aware­ness and ease. 

    Res­i­dent Fel­low David Schrom presents the val­ue­science foun­da­tion for Mag­ic to Team Lead­er­ship members.

Residential Service Learning Community

  • Food for Thought — Join us for lunch or sup­per and live­ly con­ver­sa­tion about life in an inten­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty found­ed upon eco­log­i­cal prax­is and ded­i­cat­ed to ser­vice and learning.
  • Test the Water — Taste life in the Mag­ic inten­tion­al com­mu­ni­ty with an immer­sive one night to sev­er­al nights experience.
  • Live the Dream — Become a Mag­ic resident. 

    Res­i­dent Fel­low Andrew Nepo­mu­ceno teach­es a new res­i­dent to use our dish sanitizer.


  • Habi­tat Stew­ard­ship — Stew­ard Cal­i­for­nia oaks and oth­er native species on Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty open space lands.
  • Sil­i­con Val­ley Bar­code of Life — Engage peo­ple in learn­ing why bio­di­ver­si­ty is impor­tant and in act­ing to pro­tect it.
  • Reduce Waste. Feed Peo­ple. — Col­lect and process tens of tons of pro­duce and pre­pared food for dis­tri­b­u­tion to thou­sands of deserv­ing people.
  • Live­able City — Research and advo­cate for eco­log­i­cal­ly-informed pub­lic pol­i­cy and indi­vid­ual action to improve qual­i­ty of life in cities and towns. 

    Res­i­dent Ali Cetin pre­pares to install pro­tec­tive screen as he plants a Cal­i­for­nia native oak in local open space.