
With one word you can change your life for the bet­ter. If you take a minute to read this page, you may dis­cov­er that you can enjoy this result with “val­ue­science”, and you’ll have tak­en a first step to achieve it.

Thou­sands of peo­ple have test­ed val­ue­science. Here’s what some of them say:

“Val­ue­science is one of the best ideas I’ve ever encoun­tered, right up there with the Gold­en Rule.” ‑M.R.

“I was skep­ti­cal. I resist­ed. But I knew there was some­thing there, so I kept com­ing back. Final­ly, I got it. Now life just keeps get­ting bet­ter.” ‑J.B.

“Val­ue­science is the learn­ing I want­ed.” ‑A.T.

These peo­ple are get­ting more of what they want and want­i­ng more of what they get. Maybe you can, too.

To ben­e­fit from val­ue­science you’ll change some of your ideas about “val­ue,” “val­ues,” “sci­ence,” and about the rela­tion­ships among them. If you’re ready to con­sid­er how, please con­tin­ue read­ing. Oth­er­wise, please come back when you do feel ready.

For a moment, think about val­ue and val­ues as what we want. When we choose to sleep, eat, love, give, express, cre­ate, earn, spend, save, read, lis­ten, or check our phones, we’re valu­ing these.

Now think about sci­ence as “how we make bet­ter pre­dic­tions.” Everybody’s con­stant­ly pre­dict­ing. That’s how we choose. We select what we pre­dict will result in what we want.

All of us pre­dict bad­ly some­times. We get what we thought we want­ed and feel less sat­is­fac­tion than we’d pre­dict­ed. We do what we thought enough and fall short. In these sit­u­a­tions we based our ideas about value—about what we want—on mis­tak­en predictions.

Remem­ber that sci­ence is how we make bet­ter pre­dic­tions. Val­ue­science is how we improve our knowl­edge of what we want, and of how we get more of it.

With val­ue­science you can change your life for the bet­ter. The next time you think, “I want,” remem­ber that you’re mak­ing a pre­dic­tion. What’s your evi­dence? Is it suf­fi­cient? With val­ue­science we pre­dict bet­ter, choose bet­ter, and live better.

Our minute is over. If you want to read more, you can do so here. If you want to join oth­ers in an upcom­ing val­ue­science class or work­shop, reg­is­ter here [link to reg­is­tra­tion com­ing soon].

Val­ue­science Class­es and Workshops