Thoroughly explore what we offer here—classes and workshops, and publications—if you’ve yet to do so. You’ll find a wealth of information about ideas, people, and programs.

Experience Magic firsthand. Become a client. Take a class. Volunteer. Visit for a meal or event. We serve about a thousand guest meals and host several dozen events each year.
You might learn to
- develop your understanding and practice of valuescience,
- communicate valuescience to friends and colleagues,
- plan your life and live your plan,
- become calmer, more relaxed, more enduring, more flexible, stronger, and more loving,
- create a greater sense of community at home, at work, in a neighborhood, and elsewhere, and/or
- protect the city or town where you live from overbuilding.
Magic relies almost entirely upon word-of-mouth communication to spread awareness of its existence. Any who speak appreciatively of what we are and do are critical to our continuing success. If you like what you’ve learned or otherwise experienced with us, please tell others.
Each year Magic is generously supported by hundreds of volunteers and other donors whose gifts of labor, money, and material typically account for about half of its budget.

We consider the structure and operation of Magic to be vehicles for demonstrating the principles on which it was founded. By relying heavily upon gifts, freely giving many of our services, and cooperatively negotiating fees based upon clients’ ability to pay, we aim to exemplify some of the ways that we apply valuescience to discover and to further common interests of humankind.
If you find the model we’re developing at Magic worthy, we’ll welcome all that you do to make it more robust. Magic exists today because those who’ve associated with it have given.
Making Magic entails a great deal of “chopping wood and carrying water.” If you enjoy hands-on work, either alone or with others, you can help. Plant and care for trees and other native species. Salvage usable materials from waste. Pick fruit. Build. Paint. Repair. Cook. Clean. Enter data. Take photos. Maintain informational infrastructure. Make copies. We’ll do our best to match your skills and preferences to available tasks.

If you’ve special expertise, you may be able to apply it to further Magic’s public service. Because key Magic personnel are full-time volunteers, we’re very grateful to health care providers who serve at reduced or no charge. Gifts of services from lawyers, accountants, marketers, writers, artists, graphic designers, editors, photographers, architects, structural engineers, researchers, policy advocates, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, and computer consultants have leveraged Magic’s modest money resources. If you’ve any of these skills or a host of others we omitted, please consider giving services to Magic.
Contribute Money
Magic needs money for taxes, utilities, property acquisition and renovation, and for material and professional services we purchase to operate a residential service learning community that delivers a broad spectrum of programs for public benefit, often without fee or other direct support, and for tools, equipment, supplies, and professional services we purchase to operate programs. Make a single gift or an ongoing pledge. Ask your employer to match your gift. Honor friends or relatives with gifts to support public service through Magic. Please contact us for information about planned giving through trusts and bequests.

To become a Magic affiliate, make a pledge of monthly, quarterly, or annual contributions of money, material, labor, or professional services. Affiliates enjoy regular interaction with other Magic personnel, updates on our activities, preferential access to Magic classes and services, and satisfaction sharing ongoing responsibility for Magic’s work to further common good.
For gifts of material, labor, or professional services, please contact us.
For money gifts, click here.
Donate Material
Donate and of the following items: land or a building; a car, boat or plane; office and household furnishings, equipment, and supplies: food; building materials; clothing; event tickets; vehicle or facilities use, etc. We rely heavily on gifts-in-kind. Some we use; others we sell to raise funds. Please ask us before you dispose of unwanted items.

Our current wish list includes
- Construction tools and equipment,
- Fitness-club quality exercise equipment (elliptical trainer, rowing ergometer, treadmill, power lifting rack, free weights),
- Macintosh computers, and
- Rural land within fifty miles of Palo Alto.